
Diagnostic value of antimullerian hormone (AMH)

AMH, known as a mullerian inhibitor, is a glycoprotein hormone produced by testicular sertoli cells in men and granulosa cells of growing ovarian follicles in women. Measuring the level of this hormone is important to assess the number of eggs or follicles left in the ovary.


What is Antimullerian Hormone?


AMH, known as a mullerian inhibitor, is a glycoprotein hormone produced by testicular sertoli cells in men and granulosa cells of growing ovarian follicles in women. Measuring the level of this hormone is important to assess the number of eggs or follicles left in the ovary.

Ovarian reserve assessment is performed by FSH and AMH hormones and pelvic ultrasound (ultrasound).

The sensitivity of the AMH test is very high and even this test alone can be used for the initial screening of ovarian reserve.



What is ovarian reserve?


Ovarian storage refers to the number of primary follicle cells present in the ovaries. There are about one million of these cells at birth, but when they mature, many of them are destroyed and about 400,000 remain. Throughout the reproductive period in
In women, about 400 cells from this ovarian reserve grow and differentiate and turn into an egg (female germ cell). The number of these storage cells decreases with age in women.


What is the importance of AMH in humans?

This hormone is produced by the testicular tissue early in the development of the male fetus and causes the growth of male sexual organs, while preventing the growth of female sexual organs. The level of AMH in male infants is high and remains high until the age of 2 and then gradually decreases Puberty reaches its minimum.

AMH is not produced in the female fetus, and the absence of this hormone allows the female genitals to grow. Levels of this hormone in Girls are low until puberty. In the pre-pubertal period, its production begins in the ovaries and its serum level increases. But gradually over the years its amount has decreased so that during menopause and the onset of menopause it will be almost immeasurable.


Importance of measuring AMH:

Women with reduced ovarian reserve have lower fertility and are at higher risk for miscarriage. AMH is very important in women during fertility. This hormone is involved in regulating and balancing the periodic effects of FSH and LH in the ovaries and thus in the development and maturation of eggs. Measurement of this hormone can help a lot in estimating egg storage and the possibility of pregnancy.



Other uses for this hormone include:

- Evaluation of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Monitoring the treatment of ovarian cancer
- Evaluation of fetal abnormalities and sex diagnosis
- Predicting the onset of menopause
- Evaluation of testicular activity in male infants


To continue reading the above article, refer to the scientific bulletins of Lavazieh Pathobiology Laboratory.




Date Release : 2021/06/21
visits: 1189